In a bizarre incident, young man in Punjab’s Faridkot was arrested for appearing in an recruitment test by impersonating the real candidate– his girlfriend. According to reports, Angrez Singh had dressed up as a girl, wore makeup, bindi, and donned a salwar kameez, to impersonate his girlfriend Paramjit Kaur and appear in a recruitment exam on her behalf.
Officials said Singh had also forged his identity by using fake Aadhar and voter cards to take the multi-purpose health workers recruitment exam in his Kaur’s stead at the DAV Public School in Kotkapura on January 7.
However, biometric proved to be the young man’s downfall as he got caught after his fingerprints did not match that of the actual candidate on the biometric device. It was soon revealed that Angrez Singh had dressed up as a girl and used fake credentials to appear in the exam in place of his girlfriend.
A police complaint was filed against Singh by university administration and he was arrested, said an official, adding that the cops are probing if the accused is part of a larger network involved in perpetrating such cases.
The official said that suspicion arose upon noticing how much effort the boy had put in to look like a girl, including putting on immaculate makeup, bangles, as well as a bindi, in a bid to fool the authorities. Further, the counterfeit identity documents such as fake Aadhaar and Voter ID, suggest that Singh was not acting alone and had professional help, he said.
“Angrez Singh was impersonating a female candidate identified as Paramjit Kaur, a resident of Fazilka. He has been arrested and the candidature of the real candidate also invalidated,” said Baba Farid University of Health Sciences, Vice-Chancellor, Dr Rajeev Sud.
A senior police official said a case was registered against Angrez Singh based on a a complaint filed by the varsity, adding that further investigation is underway
“A case has been registered based on a complaint received from Baba Farid University of Health Sciences. Investigation is underway and appropriate action will be taken once all facts are uncovered,” said Faridkot SP Jasmeet Singh.
Don’t call yourself a lover if you can’t do this.