In the enthralling world of star-studded lives and glamorous events, one name that consistently sparks curiosity is Orry, or rather, Orhan Awatramani. Known for rubbing shoulders with the likes of Janhvi Kapoor, Suhana Khan, Khushi Kapoor, and Nysa Devgn, Orry, a key figure in South Bombay’s social scene, has become a mysterious and flamboyant personality frequently gracing high-profile gatherings.
Recent sightings at the opulent Jio World Plaza launch and Shah Rukh Khan’s extravagant 58th birthday bash have only intensified the intrigue surrounding Orry’s professional life.
A recent investigation into Orry’s career by DNA India reveals that Orhan Awatramani, a.k.a. Orry, holds the position of Special Project Manager at Reliance Industries Limited (RIL), a conglomerate owned by the ninth richest person in the world, Mukesh Ambani. His association with RIL dates back to September 2017.
Despite his professional role, Orry remains a subject of fascination, especially given his close ties with the Ambani family, including Isha Ambani, Nita Ambani, and Shloka Mehta.
According to information sourced from Cosmopolitan India and Orry’s LinkedIn account, his educational background includes studies at a boarding school in Dhanushkodi, Tamil Nadu, and a Bachelor’s degree in Fine Arts and Communication Design from Parsons School of Design in New York. Despite these details, Orry continues to keep his profession shrouded in mystery, leaving event attendees in India and abroad speculating about his diverse range of talents and pursuits.
In a revealing interview with Cosmopolitan India, Orry responded to the perennial question about his profession with ambiguity and flair, showcasing a multifaceted personality.
His Instagram following of 371K attests to his life of opulence, with expensive wardrobes, swanky cars, and a self-proclaimed status as a fashion icon.
Orry’s prominence extends beyond the Indian social circuit; he accompanied Isha Ambani to the Met Gala 2023, making a statement with his Balenciaga outfit and accessories worth a staggering amount. As an attendee of the gala opening night of the NMACC in Mumbai, rubbing shoulders with global celebrities like Zendaya and Tom Holland, Orry’s influence reaches far and wide. Whether jet-setting with Bollywood star kids or gracing exclusive events, Orry’s life is a tapestry of luxury, creativity, and enigma.