
Got a Minute? Recipes to Create a Universe!

In this busy lifestyle. Learning 10 different ways to earn money online to impressing crush we use to surf through different types of contents on internet. But have you ever given time to imagine how the universe was created, How you can create one? Lets go through the recipe to create our own universe.

Searching Recipe for universe..

How universe was originated this question has been wandering in human mind for thousands of years. Even i was curious about it when i was small so I asked my elders. Common answer I got was ” bhagwan le banako ho”. So I questioned myself what do I need to create one. If god can then why I can’t. Later on I found the answer that i can’t create. God didn’t created it. Few or most of the science scholars believed that universe was created with a big bang. 

How did they knew that start was big bang.

Edwin Hubble this guy.

 He used to watch the night sky through his telescope. While observing the sky he noticed that stars were appearing reddish (ali dher rato rato) than it was before. It is mathematically proven that some some objects are moving further away from us it will appear reddish. This effect is known as redshift.

 Basically if object in sky comes closer to us then it become bluish and if it moves away then it becomes reddish. So He found out that stars were moving away form us. That meant the universe was expanding. So if it was expanding then it has to at one point from where it started to expand.  After doing few years of research and math. They got in Conclusion that Our Universe started 13.8 billion years ago also known as bigbang theory.

What happened before 13.8 billion years ago?

It is believed that there was literally nothing before 13.8 billion years ago. There was no up no down there was no time no space nothing. It’s hard for our mind to comprehend the space or time before 13.8 billion years. According to big bang theory ( not the tv show) our universe started from a singularity. It is a point in space that is very very very very tiny. Every rules of science gets failed in singularity it is something that even scientist are not able to understand. Something happend to it and that singularity began to expand. The name big bang is little bit confusing. The literal meaning of big bang is not explosion it rather an expansion ( just like the expansion of balloon).  The initial temperature of universe was very very hot( you cant even imagine that hot). Between the first second of bigbang. First forces( electro weak and nuclear forces) of universe was formed. With these basic ingredients of matter (what we are made up of ) were also formed known as quarks, leptons, bosons( these are the smallest know particles that we are made up of). As time passed the temperature of universe gradually decreased. After two minutes of bigbang the universe had perfect temperature for electron (we are made up of atoms and atoms are made up of electron an proton)  to cook up. During this time universe expanded to few 100 million kilo meters. After some time those electrons mixed up with proton to form 1st element hydrogen  (1st element of periodic table). IF you had read my previous article then you know that stars are made up of hydrogen. And so on planets were formed and galaxy was also formed.  So this thing is going on till this date. The speed of expansion of universe is faster than speed of light( light travels 3×10^8 meters in one second).  Our universe has expanded beyond where we can see. We can only see 93 billion years light year which is also known as diameter of Observable Universe.

So finally what we really need to create a universe.

First you need to have a very very very very very hot oven with a pan that should expand infinitely. And then you should add singularity sprinkle some leptons bosons with hadron and quarks.

 Decrease the temperature  and add few fundamental forces (gravitational, electromagnetic,  etc etc). After few billion years you will see few stars forming. Let the heat of oven be constant and you will see planets being formed, after 13.8 billion years of cooking your universe you will see an wonderful person reading this article in MWIN website. Have a great time ahead. Thank you for reading

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